Welcome to the Conspiracy
Stories and Lies is a podcast that features recordings of our actual sessions of Delta Green, the Roleplaying Game, set in the 1990s using The Conspiracy sourcebook. The show will features both Delta Green and Call of Cthulhu scenarios chosen for story-specific reasons, as well as some homebrew, but we always play in the Delta Green system.
We take our presentation seriously. Episodes feature an additional narrative in the opening segments which adds an important layer to the story. Our episodes are edited and produced by Ged and Taylor, focusing on removing distractions and cleaning up audio issues. Sound Effects and music are added to enhance the presentation, as well. Our theme song is an amazing piece of music that has inspired the name of our podcast and sets the tone perfectly. It is “Where the Stories Lies” by the band Fifty Dollar Dynasty, and is being used with the band’s permission.
Our table consists of four experienced “Game Masters” (someone who runs tabletop RPGs) with decades of experience in different roleplaying systems, who have come together to participate in a game that features strong characters in compelling mysteries, focusing on drama, tension, and narrative (but not without the occasional laugh). We have created extensive backstories, including written short stories, to flesh out our protagonists and the world they are exploring. These short stories are posted on our Patreon first, but will eventually make their way to this site. Our stories are very character-driven, and lean heavily into mystery and suspense, with moments of horror and dread. Our characters face difficult decisions, and must do what they believe is right in the face of the Unnatural.
We like to take our time. Ideally, our characters will grow and change over the course of several stories, but as much as we love creating them and portraying them, we have understand that their stories will one day come to an end. Delta Green is a cold and unforgiving game, and nobody makes it out alive. Over the course of several stories, we will all find out, together, how their lives unwind. New episodes are posted every week (on Mondays at midnight ET) and will do our best to keep to that schedule, as long as real life doesn’t get in the way. The team is eager to share our ideas for future stories with you, but we won’t rush into any of them. We want each individual story to be outstanding, and like a fine wine, we will savor the depths and mysteries of our own imaginations, creating what we hope are stories that you can savor with us.
The original DG crew, designed and illustrated by Zakiya Goggins